As I watch the sunrise, I begin to ponder

that what I see is the dawning of a new day …. .. And

I soon feel the “perfume of His presence” enveloping the way.

I cannot gaze at the sun rising in the morning sky

Without being aware ……

That God’s story of creation is not a myth – it’s not a lie!

For as I gaze at this marvel that we call “nature”……

In the sweetness of His presence, the God of all this creation

Joins me there – “Do you see My handiwork?

I made it to share …..

And when you take the time to gaze upon the beauty in My sunrise,

It isn’t hard to see – and feel –  My presence is alive!

It’s gentle beauty is not always so impressive as the sunset to your eye,

But it holds the promise of a new day,

And I want everyone to realize that I made it that way! 

  It was created for function. The beauty and the awe I added……              with you in mind –

So that you can look and know there is a Creator…

You can tell that these things did not just randomly fall into place –

Not in the order that you see that they are made!

So, who made the sunrise?

I AM” the Painter of these beautiful skies !  ….. and

When you look at the sunrise, it’s not hard to realize

That someone put all these things together for you to see

And that someone,  Beloved, was Me.”

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