Growing in Christ…. In The Place and Time Of Transition

Sometimes the Lord wants to take us to a new place in Him – a good place, a better place – than where we are at in our present relationship and walk with Him… and we think “Hey, that’s great”… but when things begin to feel  different”.. perhaps even a little strange.. We begin to wonder “what’s going on… and “where am I missing it”?

It’s a time of transition…but on the way… as we begin to feel “different” –  it can be quite uncomfortable – almost like we have lost some of the good things that He has already put into us!…. But in this time that is intended for growth and healthy change.. we have old wrong attitudes and habits that do not “fit” the new place He wants to take us to.  These wrong attitudes and habits are things that He wants to help us see – and turn loose of.. so that we can follow Him on in to that new place in Him that He is calling us to walk in.

We may feel alone in the place of transition – but God has never turned loose of us!  And it is in this time of feeling “different” – perhaps even feeling that we’ve lost our way – that we must learn to choose to take and use from the table God has prepared for us…..  It is right there before us… But we have to learn to choosein the very midst of the pressure that our flesh is feeling (in particular our emotions) – to take from that table He has set before us…

For like money in the bank – it does us no good until we reach out and draw on it…In this case we need to draw on and use the “tools” He has given us to use in the good fight of faith that we are called to walk … Tools like giving thanks, worship and praise to God.. as well as learning to  respond to our negative feelings and emotions.. with the word God has spoken concerning the time or situation we are in.  All of these are “tools” God has set before us… tools that will get us to the other side of the “crisis” we feel.

All of these things are “on the table before us” as a part of our provision/our authority in Christ..  And so much greater is this provision that Jesus “bought” for us than any thing that the enemy can throw at us…. For as we look to Him.. God is working all around us!… To say that He is not (simply because what we see is an unfinished work) – is to deny His faithfulness… It is to embrace the lie of our adversary (I Peter 5:8,9)… And to do that is to choose defeat….

For ultimately, we will win if we do not quit!  (Galatians 6:9)…Thus we take our stand – we take our stand on what God has said and done for us… “And having done all to stand – we stand – on the everlasting word of God! –  (especially the Rhema words that He has given to you for a particular situation )… given you for fighting the good fight of faith!!

But many times – instead of using the tools that God has provided for us – we choose to call somebody to pray for us…(I know because that is what I always used to do!)  And it is not “wrong” to call for prayer support –  but – ultimately we each have to learn (at some point) to stand and use what God has already provided for us  …. in order to continue.. GROWING IN CHRIST… a place and a transition that you will like!


3 thoughts on “Growing in Christ…. In The Place and Time Of Transition

    1. Hello mylifeaskyani! I am very glad to hear that something in this post about growing in Christ “spoke to you” in some way to help you where you’re at in your Christian walk at this time. PTL for that!

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  1. Thank you for your post. It accurately depicts where I have been especially asking for some close friends to pray for me or on my behalf. Thank you for commenting on my blog so long ago… He leads me to read what I need in this moment through your encouraging words.


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