Growing in Christ…In the Time and Place of Transition – Part 2

Early one day in March of this year  – as I was spending some time waiting on the Lord – quietly singing and  worshipping Him – I began to “hear writing”… Then, as I heard the words “large place” and “transition”…I began to write….

“The Lord wants to bring you into a large place.. It’s not about comparing yourself to anyone else. This is about the Spirit of God wanting to bring you into a place of greater freedom and peace…

It is a time of TRANSITION.. and those times can be uncomfortable as we begin to feel “different”- even a little strange – almost like we have lost some of the good things that He has put in us… and I just heard this example: It’s like when a good mechanic is putting something new under the hood.. and some other things are temporarily taken out and lain aside while He gets to the place He needs to get to.. in order to “install” the new part… Which will result in everything running better, smoother, easier to operate.

The enemy of course doesn’t want us to get to that larger/stronger place… So he does his thing to get us off track.. slow the work down .. to stop it if he can. He attempts to plant his thoughts into our thinking.. and to “club” and injure our emotions if he can get to them… For him to do this, we have to “let” him… but he comes so subtly that if we’re really busy with life .. it may knock us for a loop before we recognize that “Hey that’s the enemy trying to mess with my mind and emotions!” I need to stop receiving that!

Once we recognize who’s at work (i.e. “your adversary, the devil” – I Peter 5:8) trying to stop what God wants to do in our lives.. we can make the choice to stop him/resist him… But even if he gets us to the place of feeling so beat up and confused that we are at a loss as to how to get out.. We CAN – by embracing the word of God – set the enemy running and start turning things around.. We’ve all been there!.. all of us who have truly pursued after knowing God and fellowshipping with Him.. and we’ve all needed to learn – and then “choose to use” the authority God has given us…over ALL the operations of our enemy.

TRANSITION.. it’s a time to be quieter – and spend time – in the different ways Jesus gave us to use to set our focus on Him…and incorporate the Word of God into our daily lives.. For the challenges of the times in which we now live.. and the important decisions we all have to make – our time to invest in getting to know and learning to hear God – is indeed a very precious and valuable thing. relation to a time of transition….the word “test” was mentioned… It could be “like a test” – in that it enables us to see where we are actually walking…and to note the areas where the enemy occasionally works his way in to steal from us. But that information is for us.. because God is NOT “grading us” to dock us in some way.. but rather, as we see those areas we need to do better in.. we can make up our mind to “do better” – using the tools/weapons God has given us. This is a progressive work taking place in each of us that believe.. You are not competing with anyone.. because God has put things in you that are not exactly like anyone else!

It’s not a time to be fearful of, but a time to “let” your spirit man rise..(with all that God has put in it) and be dominant over your flesh. It’s a time to exercise yourself.. stir yourself up to apply/walk in those things that the Lord has shown you.. and put into your spirit… Your spirit is stronger than your flesh.. And you will see that – every time you CHOOSE to let the things of the spirit be the dominant factor in your life – you are winning a battle!  Hebrews 5:14.. “Strong meat belongs to those, who by reason of use, have exercised their spirit to discern between good and evil.”

God loves us so dearly – that He purposes to help us grow – and move forward…Because God is always about raising up mature sons and daughters.. which brings increase both to our own lives… and to the Kingdom of God…

And for those who are hungry for this….

I just heard Him say to tell you “that many victories await you”… And with that,  He just referenced John 15:16 “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you – that you should go and bring forth fruit – and that your fruit should remain.. that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in My name, He may give it you.”

And growing into that particular place in Christ, is a major reason for trusting and staying quietly close to Him during a time of transition.




2 thoughts on “Growing in Christ…In the Time and Place of Transition – Part 2

  1. Hello. I was reading comments on my blog and thank you for your encouraging words. It is a vulnerable space we write from. I needed this post tonight… “’choose to use’ the authority God has given us”…choosing the spirit side wins. I am constantly in this battle and never have I quite thought of it as choosing to use the authority God has given me. I will be reflecting on this. Thank you for posting and thank you for your comments so long ago to still encourage and build up today.


  2. “’choose to use’ the authority God has given us”…this theme is in your posts I have read and the words have been pressed upon me to reflect on. I have never considered this like this before and this is the struggle… Spirit versus flesh daily. That word authority stands out. Boldly. I don’t feel bold today. Who has the ultimate authority over all? Even when it seems the wrong choice was made…even when the spirit seems weak…He uses all things for His glory. Ahh transitions are difficult especially when it seems like it has been years.


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